Mac OS is generally known for being secure, but sometimes there are malwares and trojans that slip through the loop-holes.
Well it happened! The Mac has sustained its first serious malware attack. Recently Flashback appeared, infecting up to 800,000 Macs worldwide and shattering Apple’s illusion of security. Though the loop-hole has been fixed by the update Apple provided, but still there are chances that the trojan is still lurking in your Mac.
Detecting The Flashback Malware using Method 1.
1. Launch the Terminal application.
2. Type the following command: defaults read /Applications/ LSEnvironment and click on enter.
3. If you get an error message then move to step 4. The error message would be something like this: “The domain/default pair of (/Applications/
4. Type the following command: defaults read ~/.MacOSX/environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES and click on enter.
5. Your system is clean if you get the following error message: “The domain/default pair of (/Users/kumarapp/.MacOSX/
If you are not a Geek and would want an easier way to check if you are infected, then follow the Method 2.
Detecting The Flashback Malware using Method 2.
1. If you are unsure if you’ve been infected by Flashback or still haven’t sorted it out, you can download Apple’s detection and removal tool here